Submitted by ma0 on Fri, 20/09/2013 - 15:17
date: 2013
site: Otaniemi, Finland
client: Aalto University Properties Ltd
design team: ma0, Giacomo Ortenzi + Alfredo Bueno, Domenica Fiorini, Alessandra Monarcha, Marcello Moroni, Lora Nurkova
prize: honourable mention
The design for the new campus of the Aalto University is built upon a system of relations, with the physical, climatic and forthcoming social context.
The plant design is based on the continuation of the urban structure of the plan by Alvar Aalto, densifying and completing the sequence of of buildings oriented east-west. The built volume is thus deformed to keep the view towards the landmark of the conference hall of the main building and divided in two wings that are folded to optimize the passive and active bioclimatic behaviours of the building, opening a large captating volume to the south dedicated to the most public activities, and offering a slope facing south for photovoltaics panels.
The central path of the new campus divides the building into two parts which we could define the wing of the practice and experiments and the wing of theory and organization, the two poles in between which all creative practices move.
The roofscape, where all the classrooms are located to optimize natural lighting, evokes one of the recurring elements in the architecture of Aalto, the theater, in a sort of large outdoor amphitheater, whose tiers are places to meet, to play, but also a ground for experimentation.