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La Maison du Peuple

La Maison du Peuple
Public spaces of the Eaux Vives CEVA station, Geneve
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date: 2010
site: Geneve
client: City of Geneve
design team: ma0, Naif + Olimpia Cermasi, Nicola Di Croce, Domenica Fiorini, Manfredi Mazziotta

The public space of the future neighborhood Eaux Vives in Geneva is conceived as an extension of domestic space in the open air: in the squares succeeding in the Esplanade that will cover the new CEVA railway line, ma0 proposes a series of “outdoor rooms” furnished with the elements that characterize the private space: sofas, chaise lounges, tables for playing cards or have dinner together etc. The public space becomes a real people’s house, where new portable applications allow to adjust the lighting, power and control televisions and radios built-in the public furnishing.
In the background, a project of public infrastructure pedestrian priority, which favors through the joints of the ground paths at low speed and environmental impact.

ma0 studio di architettura | via g. libetta 15 00154 roma | tel/fax +39-06-81903359

Website developement: MutechDesign