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Scene Publique

Scene Publique
Nouvelle Comedie theatre in Geneve
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date: 2009
client: City of Geneve
site: Geneve
design team: ma0

La Nouvelle Comédie of Geneva is part of the new neighborhood of Eaux-Vives provided with the construction of the new metro line CEVA.
The project aims to to turn the theater into a polarity of the public life of the neighborhood, condensing into a large square covered all public activities of the facility, such as the library, bar and restaurant, ticket office.
This transitional space between the city and theater, is also the place where it would be possible to settle in time fragments of the theatre‘s scenes, becoming a sort of stage that blends the theatrical into public life.

ma0 studio di architettura | via g. libetta 15 00154 roma | tel/fax +39-06-81903359

Website developement: MutechDesign