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Public & sport facilities in Rome
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date: 2020
design team: ma0 - Alberto Iacovoni + Luca La Torre
site: Rome
A project against the securitarian drift in our cities, working on three different typologies of borders to enclose and connect at the same time, related to three different areas of the masterplan, part of an urban sequence that starts from the Colosseo and arrives at the river.
Campus: the different schools located in the area are grouped and separated by a system of green and porous boundaries, buffer zones with multiple connections and habitable niches.
Hortus: the required new activites are located around the existing public garden in front of the Adalberto Libera’s post office. Together with the polveriera pontificia they draw a green courtyard open and intensely used by the surrounding activities.
Ludus : similarly to what happens with the roman ruins in the city such as those of the Ludus Magnus, all the sports activities are located at the lower level of the existing soccer field, in order to liberate the public spaces from the inevitable fences that characterize all the sport compounds. 
A triangular piazza opens in between these three areas, where the city grid rotates, connecting visually and programmatically the site with the neighborhood and its the exceptional landscape.

ma0 studio di architettura | via g. libetta 15 00154 roma | tel/fax +39-06-81903359

Website developement: MutechDesign