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Passo Carrabile

Passo Carrabile
Rethinking public space on a Roman boulevard
 \ click on the image to see the slideshow
date: 2001
design team: ma0 (Federico Cavalli, Ketty Di Tardo, Alberto Iacovoni, Luca La Torre, Paolo Pineschi)
site: Rome


“Passo Carrabile” is a proposal to reverse the relationship between the private space of the cars and the public pedestrian space.
By a simple inversion in the use of materials, - asphalt and the roman “sanpietrini” - and the design of a spatial continuity between the pedestrian surfaces, and an attentive articulation of the thresholds between these different spaces, we propose a new typology of public space that can be used as a model for other situations.

ma0 studio di architettura | via g. libetta 15 00154 roma | tel/fax +39-06-81903359

Website developement: MutechDesign