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The ExtraOrdinary City

The ExtraOrdinary City
Flaminio Competition in Rome
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date: 2015 
design team: ma0 with Gabriella Raggi 
site: Rome
The competition asks for masterplan of the existing military area, in order to realize new housing, public facilities, and a Science Museum.
The project envisions to reach four sustainability goals following four simple principles:
1) Making space to the public city, tracing a continuous network of pedestrian path through a porous urban fabric.
2) Densifying the built masses to open two generous piazzas in direct relation to the surrounding public spaces.
3) Building the future actualizing the past, grafting the Science Museum on the most valuable military barracks, and reusing the palazzina as a residential typology able to combine density and identity.
4) Triggering flexible processes, proposing an evolutionary system that can favour different scenarios of progressive transformation of the site.

ma0 studio di architettura | via g. libetta 15 00154 roma | tel/fax +39-06-81903359

Website developement: MutechDesign